I am married to a very random person with a mischievous sense of humuor.
I believe he is my match, which I know says a lot about what I think about myself. The truth is, we all love and adore our partners one minute and the next we want to set them on fire. I love that he is ambitious, I love that he loves sport, that he takes a keen interest in always learning EVERYTHING there is to learn about everything and most of all I love that mostly, he is open to change.
The one quality that really peeves me off about him is how he always wants to kill 17 birds with 2 pebbles!
I planned a weekend getaway for the 3.5 of us. (Im pregnant, I have a 13 month old and my husband). Being cricket season and all…(he plays social cricket with a bunch of old boys who smoke in between field breaks, who rehydrate with mountain dew and after burning many calories jogging I mean fielding, nicely rewards themselves with KFC at the end of the game)….I try to keep Sundays open so he has the liberty of playing. After all he is chief organizer of their VERY important social games.
So while he is relaxing playing cricket, Im entertaining our daughter and more often than not he requests that we make an appearance at the field for support which I do gladly.
I was utterly peeved off however when he nicely in passing tells me over breakfast on Monday morning, that he will be playing a QUICK game of cricket this weekend BUT he will leave early as he knows it’s our weekend away.
Im sorry what? That’s like saying “Listen I know we have a supper date for 8pm but Im just quickly going to watch an 8 o clock movie, I will leave early and then while you are ordering tea after dessert I will join you”
No I tell you what? Why don’t you have a FIFA tournament after the game my love and then just pop in to fetch us towards the end of the weekend, because I mean we really don’t need you to join , it’s just a weekend away, I mean we do it all the tiiiiiimmmmeee!!!!!!!!!!!
When we were dating and I learned this quality about him he would enthusiastically accept invitations with ALL our friends AND family for the same day and time, so we’d watch a movie, have supper, go bowling and attend a braai all at once. At the time I thought, wow what a people pleaser, now I realize he actually WANTED to do all those fun things even if it was a minute at each event. So for him it wasn’t spending time, it was more about doing things that made him happy regardless. How selfish is that?
I know I might seem petty but it highly annoys me that he can’t tell his team about our weekend away, so now what he does is, he gets back to them after I FLIP then it looks like I’m a husband eater….”Like oh my wife said I can’t play L…next time guys”
Well you know what dear husband of mine, go well and play cricket on Sunday and I will have a jolly time on my own with the munchkin.
Visions of you exploding into tiny little pieces of plankton after I Cyclops you concussed, will release feelings of Euphoria while enjoying an OJ overlooking the scenery in Franschoek!
Love you :)
hahahaha - Hilarious blog my love!
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