Thursday, 29 March 2012

Do you suffer from Post Sentence Giggle?

You know those people who giggle after they say something?
“Hello..heheheh….how are you…heheheh….its Mark speaking…heheheh…I was just wondering if you could help me with something…heheheh.”
I must admit I'm also guilty of it sometimes but it’s the funniest thing to me.
I am not laughing at people who are awkward or who have complexes, OK maybe it seems like I am, but I am more laughing at the possibility of what’s potting in the minds of the people around them.
If I can use this platform to explain myself then I would like to say that I do it because of the following reasons:

1.    I feel awkward
2.    The person or people I'm speaking to are staring and smiling at me like they want me to get done.
3.    I don’t feel confident so I'm overly conscious about myself at the time.

However the “post sentence giggle” if we can give it a name personally becomes annoying to me when someone is actually telling you off in a nice way and they are trying to be assertive.
Like “I’ve been waiting for you to deliver my package since Tuesday already…heheheheh” This is unacceptable….heheheheh.”
I work with a few people like that and as a result, queries and meetings are weird! (Boing!!!)

In conclusion to this short post, I find peculiarities of people’s personalities interesting…..and er….mega random sometimes….heheheheh!


Roses are red, violets are blue, visions of you exploding at times is what makes me love you....

I am married to a very random person with a mischievous sense of humuor.
I believe he is my match, which I know says a lot about what I think about myself. The truth is, we all love and adore our partners one minute and the next we want to set them on fire. I love that he is ambitious, I love that he loves sport, that he takes a keen interest in always learning EVERYTHING there is to learn about everything and most of all I love that mostly, he is open to change.

The one quality that really peeves me off about him is how he always wants to kill 17 birds with 2 pebbles!
I planned a weekend getaway for the 3.5 of us. (Im pregnant, I have a 13 month old and my husband). Being cricket season and all…(he plays social cricket with a bunch of old boys who smoke in between field breaks, who rehydrate with mountain dew and after burning many calories jogging I mean fielding, nicely rewards themselves with KFC at the end of the game)….I try to keep Sundays open so he has the liberty of playing. After all he is chief organizer of their VERY important social games.

So while he is relaxing playing cricket, Im entertaining our daughter and more often than not he requests that we make an appearance at the field for support which I do gladly.
I was utterly peeved off however when he nicely in passing tells me over breakfast on Monday morning, that he will be playing a QUICK game of cricket this weekend BUT he will leave early as he knows it’s our weekend away.

Im sorry what? That’s like saying “Listen I know we have a supper date for 8pm but Im just quickly going to watch an 8 o clock movie, I will leave early and then while you are ordering tea after dessert I will join you”

No I tell you what? Why don’t you have a FIFA tournament after the game my love and then just pop in to fetch us towards the end of the weekend, because I mean we really don’t need you to join , it’s just a weekend away, I mean we do it all the tiiiiiimmmmeee!!!!!!!!!!!

When we were dating and I learned this quality about him he would enthusiastically accept invitations with ALL our friends AND family for the same day and time, so we’d watch a movie, have supper, go bowling and attend a braai all at once. At the time I thought, wow what a people pleaser, now I realize he actually WANTED to do all those fun things even if it was a minute at each event. So for him it wasn’t spending time, it was more about doing things that made him happy regardless. How selfish is that?

I know I might seem petty but it highly annoys me that he can’t tell his team about our weekend away, so now what he does is, he gets back to them after I FLIP then it looks like I’m a husband eater….”Like oh my wife said I can’t play L…next time guys”

Well you know what dear husband of mine, go well and play cricket on Sunday and I will have a jolly time on my own with the munchkin.

Visions of you exploding into tiny little pieces of plankton after I Cyclops you concussed, will release feelings of Euphoria while enjoying an OJ overlooking the scenery in Franschoek!

Love you :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Smallies are people too...

So as I’ve previously mentioned, I have a toddler who is…..(loooooooong pause, smiling pensively staring into the sky)…..the coolness of my eye.
Her little sweet face can change any mood from utter and complete anger, sadness, frustration, the list goes on….into pure and total bliss and peace.
When she is sad or unhappy with ME especially (even though you know it’s just a toddler technique), I can pick up on it immediately and my heart breaks into a thousand little pieces and the physical pain of seeing that expression on her face is so unbearable that a litre of morphine intravenously would NOT be sufficient relief.

So the other night she slept over at her grand-folks because I didn’t want to cart a sleeping child home late at night after they had been babysitting, and we would have dropped her off the next morning anyway before work so we felt it was the best decision at the time. Sometimes the better decisions make you feel really bad because they don’t understand. I know im being a little dramatic and I’ve been told it gets waaaay more difficult as they get older but this was my first experience and I needed to share it.

Just note, we stayed with my folks when she was born, so my little lamb is very comfortable at their house, she is crazy about them and she has never once cried after me and has always been content. Yesterday however rushing home from work as I last saw her almost 24 hours ago, I was starting to twitch out of anxiety, visualizing her face lighting up at mine,  air swimming with joy (she isn’t walking yet , hence air swimming)…and almost leaping out of her granny’s hand to wrap her little arms around my neck…..Instead….feelings of dismay overcame me when I finally arrived and entered the lounge where she was seated at her table with her teddies,  having tea and all she did was look at me with a blank face, and carried on with her little tea party.

You know that sound when glass breaks? (nod and say mmmm)

Anyway….the voices in my head played out what my daughter was ACTUALLY saying to me “So mother, I see you finally decided to pay me a visit, I am very disappointed in you, how could you leave me for this long, I mean I know I am independent but my God, why don’t you just put me into school and make me fend for myself, after all that I have brought to your life, you don’t even deserve some tea….you are NOT invited to my tea party.”

My heart goes out to all parents who experience this on a regular basis for whatever reason it is…..

After a while she came around and by the time she saw her father she was becoming more familiar so when we got home she really expressed how much she missed home.
Wrapping her little legs and arms around us when we tried to put her down, showing subtle signs of separation anxiety when leaving the room quickly to prepare her bath, reluctantly falling asleep wondering if we would be there the next morning when she wakes up…

AGAIN….these are my assumptions and thoughts based on how I know my kid’s behavior, I could be completely wrong but the point of this post is…

1.    I feel guilty all the time when I leave her and I’m always wondering if I’m making the right decisions when it comes to her well being.
2.    Kids are going to break your heart and are going to grow up one day and they won’t need you as much.
3.    Enjoy them when they’re young, love them and be overbearing so that when they are adults you need to be ok with it and believe you’ve done your best and when they tell you, you haven’t, you need to be open and try and understand where they are coming from and take into consideration that they will also change.
4.    Always be open to change especially with them.
5.    DON’T linger off the point as I am doing now (already thinking about what Im going to write about next….)

That is enough….

Good deeds rehydrate the soul....

The other day I found myself crying in a parking lot because I was literally touched by an angel…

I needed to pop down to a shopping mall one night to run some errands before a very eventful weekend and besides having worn the wrong shoes, being pregnant with swollen ankles and experiencing immense backache, not to mention I was completely knackered after a looooooong week….I was still very grateful nonetheless to be able to shop without the moans and groans of a 1 year old, without the anxiety of standing in a queue that would cause my little toddler to get bored and throw a mini tantrum, I could walk to the pace of “Jy dink jy’s koolerer as eke” by Jack Parow as opposed to “Hey ya” by Outkast AND I had the liberty of browsing a store in utter peace and harmony with myself by myself (sigh and smile selfishly).

Of course my mind was most clear just knowing my kid was soundly asleep at home with her dad which allowed me to carefully think about all the points on my do list and how I needed to achieve them. My last stop before I happily left the mall with a GREAT sense of accomplishment was PnP. I needed to buy some grub for the next day and a few other goodies. Apart from the many skills you obtain as a parent , one VERY outstanding and important skill is the ability to carry a multitude of shopping bags in both your hands right down to your very baby finger with 4 packets in the one hand and about 3 in the other, toilet paper under the arm, while you’re walking and drinking a cool-drink.

So in my mind, even though I look like an ogre coming on , shaking the earth with my heavy trot, causing gail force winds with my heavy breathing, because of everything I just mentioned above, I actually was just too grateful for some alone time.

So as im trotting on by, a voice behind me goes “sorry ma’am can I help you with your bags to your car?” Speechless and totally confused I reply with a thank you nod and verbalize very politely that I really am fine and I’ll just be on my merry way. This very nice woman calmly takes 2 very heavy bags out of my hand and says very gently, “Ma’am you have been blessed with carrying a beautiful child  inside of you and I feel its disrespectful of me to see you walk on by without offering my assistance.” I awkwardly (because this woman looks my age) yet politely try and keep it jovial by asking her what her name is and where she works and when we get to the car, I whip out my wallet with the hopes of remunerating her in gratitude to this young waitress who is probably struggling to get through varsity by working at a coffee shop until late at night. (You know how we make up ideas in our mind to explain to ourselves when it could very well be the furthest thing from the truth)

She calmly tells me, “God has been very good to me so I cannot accept any money.” Even though you feel you can cope please promise to take care of yourself because the world needs healthy and good moms who need to put themselves first sometimes. Have a good evening.

I got into my car and burst into tears.

To that woman…I hope all your dreams and aspirations come true and hope you are blessed with an abundance of happiness and blessings.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Monster or Master in law?

So I've finally found a 'safe place" for my thoughts, qualms, and all other random things i ponder about on a day to day basis and im hoping that there are other people in this world who share and enjoy reading about my sentiments.

So my first subtle outburst will have to be about my thoughts on erratic, not so emotionally stable monster in laws that we all have the misfortune of dealing with for the sake of our significant others from time to time. Luckily for me, my partner and i have an open platform to communicate when we feel we are being wronged by each others parents "obviously within limits of not offending to the point where you just bash their hearts", after all it’s not easy witnessing your parent maliciously ill-treating your partner nor is it easy hearing your partner say how unhappy they are in the situation.

When more often than not,  I can very well just ignore being ill treated , indirectly scoffed at and just on the whole feeling like I "stole" someone's child...Ive been having a hard time lately with pregnancy hormones peaking....which I know, cannot be an excuse for everything in life but things just get a bit much at times.

Having kids of my own, my aim is to be an emotionally stable behaving parent in law and to give whoever it is that my offspring wishes to commit to, a fair chance of trying to form a relationship with my family without typically giving them a hard time for the sake of giving them a hard time because it’s “part of the initiation process.”

When your kids are lucky to find a partner in life you should rejoice and be happy for them, not spend your time worrying about how things are going to change between you and your offspring.
Its not fair to be nasty to a child who has married into your family purely because you can and especially when you dont mistreat your own kids.

Anyway, this was supposed to be a subtle outburst and not a vulgar rant but i guess thats the FIRST thing you've learnt about me....i have the tendency to be somewhat hormonal and rather emotionally unstable at times , but im not a PARENT IN LAW yet so its fine, heehee, but i figure ive got a few years before I reach that point.
