Innovation of the kitchen appliance disciplinarian!

Thank you Russell Hobbs stick blender for keeping my
daughters fingers out of plug points, away from windows she could potentially
fall out, out of the oven and stove no zone area and most importantly away from glass objects that
could potentially cut her. At first she was terrified in a way that made me
feel cruel and harsh, now all I have to do is make the "ZZZzzzzz" sound and she
happily obeys, redirects her attention and plays along happily. She now brushes her
teeth with no fuss, allows me to dress her with no fuss, hell at this rate I'm
thinking of even putting in some new earrings while she is awake (she's pulled
all kinds out as her pincer skills are quite advanced for her age)
My mother used a wooden spoon, her mother used a pin, my
little one will probably end up using some techno advanced appliance with her
kids, it works!
My husband thinks I'm cruel, I'd much rather describe
myself as a successful disciplinarian.
Onto the next one (sigh happily)
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