Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Im back with 2 under the age of 2!

I have been a virtual hermit for almost 5 months now after the birth of my second child.
Thankfully, Im just about starting to feel like myself again.
Nights are getting longer and things are getting a little bit easier.
Reading my previous posts, I realize a lot of them were less about poo and more about my tot which was my one and only at the time.

I promise to revert back to poo after this post but I just HAVE to share the following:

I love my son. (5 months)
I love my daughter. (22 months)
Being a mom is the most incredibly hard, yet the most rewarding job I have ever had and I promise to try everyday to be the best that I can be.

Now back to poo….


The thought of a needle in my vein kills me inside a thousand times.
I know I should help out where I can but please HELP ME get over needles.
I don’t like it…I don’t!
WHY can’t they put you under general anesthetic when drawing blood.
I mean really now.

The first time I took serious blood tests, I started crying in a melodramatic way.
The nurse looked at me with the most disinterested and annoyed face in the world and said “seriously lady, kids under the age of 9 handle this better than you!”

Nurse….why don’t you stop judging me and pass me a lollipop….PLEASE!

That is all!