Thursday, 7 June 2012

Cheeses Christ, stop complaining and keep on keeping on!

Today  is the 7th June and it’s raining horses and tigers in Cape Town.
So beautiful!!!!!!!!

The only thing that could spoil this day for me is the “woe is me” mentality of some people.
Arrrgghhh, oh no I am travelling via public transport in the rain, oh shame this and oh shame that.
You know what, if you are ill or physically challenged then I sympathize with you but if you are perfectly healthy and have no excuse whatsoever then I have a few words for you.

Get over it and get on with it.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
I understand the morale of people has decreased over the past few years since the economic recession hit and the “woe is me” attitude became incredibly common in SOME communities.
I am ONLY targeting those people who have a lot to be thankful for but walk around feeling sorry for themselves because they don’t have the comfort they would like to have in this weather.

There are less fortunate people who wake up every day and try and make a way.

You know what; an attitude change is in order.

We all have our stuff but we carry on every day and try harder.

Let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time, there was a pregnant fairy who took a duvet day from work as her body was feeling a bit run down at 8 months.
After 3 hours of morning rest, she got up to enjoy breakfast, listening to the sound of silence.
The guilt of sending her toddler to her granny and sending her husband off with no lunch quickly subsided as her body slowly entered relaxed mode.
It had been far too long since she’d spent alone time with herself.

Her eyes wondered across the lounge and over to the toys that lay scattered on the ground, she checked the time on the microwave … 11H45.
She smiled pensively to herself ready to just get lost in thought.
Blocking out the OCD voice that was telling her to take advantage of this time to do a deep home cleanse.
Read, maybe I shall read…she thought.
The title of a book called “who moved my cheese?” lay on the kitchen counter and immediately caught her attention.

This is a book that was recommended to her husband by a friend of his.
He finished this book in a half an hour as it was a quick easy read, printed in font 18.

“Who moved my cheese?” by Spencer Johnson is an amazingly simple life lesson told through an easy to read story about how to deal with change in your work and in your life.

READ IT and change your attitude, then change your life J

The end!!!!!!!!!!